Poem for Saturday Morning

We must be still if we are to appreciate it

This vista blurs while running through that which we have come to expect

But the truth of life is that we are not in a fog

just moving too fast

Too many dinner parties and office meetings and cleaning up

puppies and tv and coordinating schedules with family

and watching your weight and getting the dry cleaning and

squeezing every second of the day because that is what we are to do

when we live life to the fullest

But it’s foolish. It’s unproductive and that’s why

I beg of you: be still beautiful girl.

Be still so I can see the first blue rays of morning

delighting on your skin.

Be still so I can see the individual, almost invisible

hairs that trace up your legs

Be still so I can see the folds of the comforter

covering up what I want

Be still so I can see the exact moment your eyes open

and this world comes to life

Move slowly in the morning, create space in movement

that fits between the inhales and exhales of your breath.

Move slowly and turn towards me—I must admit

I am no beauty, there’s not perfect reciprocity.

Hold your movement, let your eyes set on a piece of me:

  • the first gray whiskers amidst the brown and reds

  • the pterygium in my eye

  • the bald spot that has those same invisible hairs

    that grace your legs

  • the smile when your eyes meet mine

Hold your movement, make your gaze fixed, plumb

my depths—you deserve this

I hope it’s more than consolation

Be patient—focus on the darkness—the pupils

those cute little abysses

I have a surprise for you yet

Let your eyes and mine dance with each other

Let your eyes see what’s there—you

blonde hair in the abyss

the cool blue light on your skin

See there is so much more than blackness.

the contrast reminds you that you are made

of stardust—how exquisite—that the practical

you’ve chased all your life is actually an illusion

it’s been holy since before the beginning

of time

suddenly the idea of infinity seems right

Eternity doesn’t have to do with time

Eternity is here in this instant seeing

you in me and _if you could see more

deeply there’d be a mirrored effect to this

infinity—something that makes you think of

the Aleph—but infinities are distanced by time

I’m sorry. Let me make you some breakfast.

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